"URGENT! Call your California State Senator today and ask them to vote for SB 1381!
We know you have already called and sent messages, but now it’s time to call again. The biotech and GMA lobbyists are still in full force at the legislature, so your Senator needs to hear from you.
Call your Senator today! Use this action alert link to look up your Senator’s phone number. Your message can be simple:
“Hi, my name is---------. I am a constituent in your district and am calling to ask you to vote for SB 1381, a bill to label genetically engineered foods in California.”
SB 1381 is a simpler, clearer version of Prop 37. If signed into law, this bill will ensure Californians’ right to know how our food is grown and produced. And it will send a clear message to the big food and agriculture corporations that they can’t keep us in the dark about the widespread use of GMOs in our food system.
Polls, both before and after the Prop 37 election in 2012, showed 67 percent of Californians support a state GMO labeling law. The opposition spent $46 million in 2012 to confuse voters about Prop 37. Now corporate lobbyists are in full force at the state capitol, spreading their misinformation in an effort to defeat SB 1381 in a Senate floor vote.
Join the tens of thousands of supporters – from Moms to farmers – across the state in support of GMO labeling. Call your Senator today!
More information at www.labelgmos.org "
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