
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Port Townsend, WA vs Arhata Osho

Port Townsend, WA, a calm liberal hipster art area's municipal government is trying to regulate Arhata Osho, a 64 year old activist & friendly-hippy-looking with long hair & a ty-dye shirt's free speech. "Free Speech has been stolen" his sign reads. His protest-sign-cart has a LGBTQ-rainbow American flag, and many protest signs with messages ranging from his story of his court case, why free speech is important, anti-discrimination, & anti-religion("religion is all a myth"). At his cart you can donate money to him or sign up for his email list to receive his political writings. He's not yelling or soliciting, and his cart is only the size of about a shopping cart excluding the tall rainbow flag. It may be somewhat of an eyesore to some, but it's not causing any noise pollution and isn't blocking the walkway. “If they pass this, they are going to have to cart me away" he said in regards to the regulations being imposed. A local waitress commented saying "Port Townsend is always being difficult." Shocking to Arhata was that "this is happening in a state that legalized marijuana & has passed leading laws in gay rights. I might have thought this would happen to me when in California, but not here." Osho started on Venice Beach.

Follow Arhata at his blog:

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